Friday, March 7, 2008

Weak Ligaments and Chronic Pain

How many Americans suffer from chronic pain? The actual answer might surprise you. Almost 30% of the US population suffers from some sort of chronic pain. Pain, according to the Webster's dictionary is defined as: localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (as a disease or an injury); also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action b: acute mental or emotional distress or suffering.

Weak and stressed ligaments and tendons can be the route cause of your chronic pain and Prolotherapy might be the answer. To fully understand Prolotherapy, it helps to start with its meaning. Prolo is short for proliferation, which means growth – because the therapy causes the proliferation of new tissue in areas where it has weakened. When the ligaments and tendons which connect muscles and bones become weakened or damaged, they can cause severe pain. Prolotherapy relieves this pain at its source by using a special solution injected into the site where the tissue meets the bone. Ligaments and tendons have a poor blood supply, so it’s difficult for the body to heal them, but the injection causes a localized inflammation in the weak connective tissue, which stimulates the body’s own immune system to spring into action. Blood supply to the area is naturally increased, aiding in the body’s innate rejuvenation process. Within two to five Prolotherapy treatments, the ligaments and tendons are stronger and have been rebuilt naturally – no drugs, surgery, or long-term therapy required.

While for some, chronic pain is centered in one area, others suffer from more generalized pain or body aches. When no specific area can be targeted, finding the source of the pain can be baffling. But believe it or not, a delayed food allergy is often the culprit. We think of food allergies only as an immediate and severe reaction, such as breaking out in a rash when we eat a certain food; that isn’t always the case. Delayed food allergies are responsible for iliciting symptoms hours or even days after eating the food. A simple blood test can pinpoint any delayed food allergy that may be contributing to the pain. A food allergy-elimination diet, sometimes combined with prolotherapy, can provide complete and lasting relief in these individuals.


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